White dragon water
Legendary spring that white dragon guided
The water that drops from dragons' mouths can be found inside
Arai Yakushi Temple in Arai in Nakano ward. An ancient manuscript
says that the entire village was named Arai, or new wells,
because of abundant water sources in the region. In recent
days, the water once dried up after the construction of a
public park, but in 1960 when memorial service was held for
white dragons, a great well long protected by granite rocks
was discovered just 2m under ground - story of white dragons'
guidance was born then.
The natural water flows down from mouths of twin twined dragon
statues located inside the temple, available for drinking.
Location: 5-3-5 Arai, Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Transportation: 15 minutes walk from JR "Nakano"
station, or 5 minutes walk from "AraiYakushiji-Mae"
station on Seibu Shinjuku Line.
Contact: Nakano Arai Yakushi 81-(0)3-3386-1355
Water drops from
twined dragons' mouths |
Front view of
the dragon water |